Migliori Comunicazioni - Congresso SIF 2022
Laura A. Cerbone, dottoranda del gruppo di fisica medica -  ufficialmente presso la SSM di Napoli - a seguito della partecipazione al congresso nazionale SIF tenutosi a Settembre 2022,  è stata selezionata dalla commissione scientifica tra le migliori comunicazioni ed invitata a pubblicare un articolo dal titolo "Towards a Timepix4 compact gamma camera for coded aperture nuclear medicine imaging with depth resolution" su uno numero speciale de "Il Nuovo Cimento". L'articolo, che sarà Open Access, sarà disponibile a partire dalla prossima primavera.
Best Presentations Award - SIF 2022
Our PhD student Laura A. Cerbone, who participated to the 108th National Congress of the Italian Physics Society (SIF) held in September 2022, was selected by scientific committee of the congress among the best presentations and invited to publish a paper on a special issue of the journal "il Nuovo Cimento". The publication will be open access and available next spring.  More news and a direct link to the article will be available as soon as possible!






SIF 108° congress (Milan 12-16 Septemer 2022)


Our group participated to the 108° SIF congress (hosted this year by the Department of Physics of the University of Milan Statale) with two oral communications by Roberta F. Ricciardi and Laura A. Cerbone, both for the biophysics and medical physics section.


Roberta F. Ricciardi - Diagnosi computerizzata basata su deep learning nell'imaging di tomosintesi digitale mammaria

Abstract can be found here.

Laura A. Cerbone - Towards a Timepix4 compact gamma camera for coded aperture nuclear medicine imaging with depth resolution

Abstract can be found here.


International Workshop on Breast Imaging 21-26 May 2022
During the 14th International Workshop on Breast Imaging, a very important conference with the major experts in this research filed, also the Medical Physics gruop of Physics Depertment of the Federico II University was present with 4 oral comunications.
Antonio Sarno - Empirical detector model for simulated breast exams with dedicated breast CT scanner.
Antonio Sarno - Noise and spatial resolution characteristics of a clinical Computed Tomography scanner dedicated to the breast.
Giovanni Mettivier - DeepLook: a dedicated deep learning Computed Diagnosis Suppor t to Breast Tomosynthesis imaging. Presentation and first results.
Kristina Blisnakova - PHENOMENO – A HORIZON2020 project for increasing the research and innovation capacity of EU universities in the field of breast cancer modelling.


4th Geant4 International User Conference at the physics-medicine-biology frontier

The Medical Physics Group is involved in the organization of the 4th Geant4 International User Conference. The conference took place from the 24th to the 26th of October 2022 in Naples.

Photos of the conference can be found in our Gallery.

For further information please visit the conference website or contact us at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..



MCMA (Antwerp - April 2022)
At Monte Carlo for Medical Appliclations Conference our group was present with two oral presentation and one poster. 
Oral Comunications
Francesca Saveria Maddaloni presenter -Optical 3D body scanning for patient-specific dose estimates in CT
Antonio Santo presenter - A fast GPU Monte Carlo code for Virtual Clinical trials in Breast Computed tomography
Antonio Sarno presenter - The AGATA platform for Virtual Clinical Trials x-ray breast imaging: Detector model and anatomical noise validation in 2D mammography 


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