



Medical Physics School Students 


Roberta Ricciardi, M. Sc.,

Position Medical Physics School


Antonio Varallo, M. Sc.,

Position Medical Physics School


PhD Students


Laura Antonia Cerbone

Position  PhD Student
MCs Thesis Title

MediPROBE4: Timepix4 compact gamma camera for 3D coded aperture imaging

PhD Thesis Topic Spectral Quantitative CT based on the use of Timepix4 to perform bone densitometry on astronauts.
SPACE PhD program - Scuola Superiore Meridionale
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 Master's Students


Antonio Zarrillo

Position MSc Student
Thesis: Studio di features radiomiche per l'identificazione di masse tumorali in immagini di tomosintesi digitale.


Clemente Nocera

Position MSc Student
Thesis: Armonizzazione dei dati radiomici di immagini di DBT tramite l'utilizzo di un software di Deep Learning

Rita Camilla Buono

Position MScStudent
Thesis: Minibeam radiation therapy for preclinical research: MC simulations and experimental validation




Francesca Cesarano

Position MSc Student



Roberta Castriconi

Now at:


Phone number: +39 081 676339
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Title Authors Journal Year

Energy dependent calibration of XR-QA2 radiochromic film with monochromatic and polychromatic x-ray beams

F. Di Lillo, G. Mettivier, A. Sarno, G. Tromba, N. Tomic, S. Devic and P. Russo

Medical Physics


Combined SPECT/CT and PET/CT for breast imaging

P. Russo, M. Larobina, F. Di Lillo, S. Del Vecchio and G. Mettivier

Nuclear Instrument and Methods in in Physics Reserch Section A


Glandilar dose in breast computed tomography with synchrotron radiation

G. Mettivier, C. Fedon, F. Di Lillo, R. Longo, A. Sarno, G. Tromba and P. Russo

Physics in Medicine and Biology


Energy response of GR-200A thermoluminescence dosemeters to 60Co and to monoenergetic synchrotron radiation in the energy range 28-40 keV

 F. Emiro, F. Di Lillo, G. Mettivier, C. Fedon, R. Longo, G. Tromba and P. Russo

Radiation Protection Dosimetry 


Use of XR-QA2 radiochromic films for quantitative imaging of a synchrotron radiation beam

F. Di Lillo, D. Dreossi, F. Emiro, C. Fedon, R. Longo, G. Mettivier, L. Rigon, P. Russo and G. Tromba

Journal of Instrumentation


Conference Proceeding


Title Authors Journal Year



Title Authors Conference Year




Francesca di Lillo, M. Sc., PhD

Now at: ESRF, Grenoble, France
Master Thesis:  


Marica Masi, M. Sc.

Now at: Post-graduate grant
Master Thesis: Synchrotron radiation rotational radiotherapy: a new technique for breast cancer treatment
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Giuseppina Esposito, M. Sc.

Now at:  
Master Thesis: Evaluation of 3D printing materials for breast phantoms for phase contrast imaging
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Francesca di Franco, M. Sc.

Now at:  
Master Thesis: Propagation based phase contrast tomography with a microfocus X-ray tube for breast cancer diagnosis
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Federica Guida, M. Sc.

Now at:  
Master Thesis: Dose intercomparison at Italian hadrontherapy centers 
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Francesca Buonanno, M. Sc.

Now at:  
Master Thesis: Rotational radiotherapy of breast cancer with orthovoltage X-ray beams 
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Valentina Pirozzi Palmese, M. Sc.

Now at:  
Master Thesis: Synchrotron radiation rotational radiotherapy on the breast with microbeams 
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Roberta Castriconi, M. Sc.

Now at:  
Master Thesis:  


Pasqualina Gallo, M. Sc.

Now at:  
Master Thesis:  


Chiara Feoli, M. Sc.

Now at:  
Master Thesis:  


Raffaele Tucciariello, M. Sc.

Now at:  
Master Thesis:  


Giovanni Mettivier, PhD


Associate Professor

02D1 - FIS07

Phone number: +39 081 676137
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Giovanni Mettivier graduated  in Physics (1998) at the University of Naples "Federico II". Since 1998 his scientific activity is entirely in the field of Medical Physics. In 2004 he was appointed Assistant Professor of Medical Physics at the Faculty of Science, University of Naples, where since 2008 he is Aggregate Professor.  Since 1998 he collaborates, also as principal investigator, to national projects in the field of digital mammography with photon counting detectors, digital autoradiography, SPECT small animal imaging, cone-beam phase-contrast CT dedicated to the breast. He is author of about 70 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals with 748 citations.


h-index: Documents by author: Total citations:
23 167 2073 by 989 documents




Title Authors Journal Year

Synchrotron radiation external beam rotational radiotherapy of breast cancer: proof of principle

F.Di Lillo, G. Mettivier, R. Castriconi, A. Sarno, A.W. Stevenson, C.J. Hall, D. Häusermann, P. Russo Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 2018

Homogeneous vs. patient specific breast models for Monte Carlo evaluation of mean glandular dose in mammography 

A. Sarno, G. Mettivier , F. Di Lillo, K. Bliznakova, I. Sechopoulos, P. Russo Physica Medica 2018
Towards breast cancer rotational radiotherapy with synchrotron radiation F. Di Lillo. G. Mettivier , A. Sarno, R. Castriconi , P. Russo Physica Medica 2017

1st European Congress of Medical Physics September 14, 2016; Medical Physics innovation and vision within Europe and beyond 

V. Tsapaki, G.C. Kagadis, M. Brambilla, M. Ciocca, C.H. Clark, H. Delis, G. Mettivier

Physica Medica  2017
Evaluation of a breast software model for 2D and 3D X-ray imaging studies of the breast

 Y. Baneva, K. Bliznakova, L. Cockmartin, S. Marinov, I. Buliev, G. Mettivier, H. Bosmans, P. Russo, N. Marshall, Z. Bliznakov

Physica Medica 2017

Evaluation of dose homogeneity in cone-beam breast computed tomography


G. Mettivier, M. Costa, N. Lanconelli, A. Ianiro, M. Pugliese, M. Quarto, P. Russo 

Radiation Protection Dosimetry


Evaluation of the BreastSimulator software platform for breast tomography


G. Mettivier, K. Bliznakova, I. Sechopoulos, J.M. Boone, F. Di Lillo, A. Sarno, R. Castriconi, P. Russo


Physics in Medicine and Biology 


A Monte Carlo model for mean glandular dose evaluation in spot compression mammography


A. Sarno, D.R. Dance, R.E. Van Engen, K.C. Young, P. Russo, F. Di Lillo, G. Mettivier, K. Bliznakova, B. Fei, I. Sechopoulos 


Medical Physics


Air kerma calculation in Monte Carlo simulations for deriving normalized glandular dose coefficients in mammography


A. Sarno, G. Mettivier, P. Russo


Physics in Medicine and Biology 


Dose-response of EBT3 radiochromic films to proton and carbon ion clinical beams

R. Castriconi, M. Ciocca, A. Mirandola, C. Sini, S. Broggi, M. Schwarz, F. Fracchiolla, M. Martišíková, G. Aricò, G. Mettivier, P. Russo


Physics in Medicine and Biology


A Monte Carlo study of monoenergetic and polyenergetic normalized glandular dose (DgN) coefficients in mammography


A. Sarno, G. Mettivier, F. Di Lillo, P. Russo


Physics in Medicine and Biology


Imaging study of a phase-sensitive breast-CT system in continuous acquisition mode


P. Delogu, B. Golosio, C. Fedon, F. Arfelli, R. Bellazzini, A. Brez, F. Brun, F.D. Lillo, D. Dreossi, G. Mettivier, M. Minuti, P. Oliva, M. Pichera, L. Rigon, P. Russo, A. Sarno, G. Spandre, G. Tromba, R. Longo


Journal of Instrumentation


Cone-beam micro computed tomography dedicated to the breast


A. Sarno, G. Mettivier, F. Di Lillo, M. Cesarelli, P. Bifulco, P. Russo


Medical Engineering and Physics


Survival fraction and phenotype alterations of Xenopus laevis embryos at 3 Gy, 150 kV X-ray irradiation


R. Carotenuto, M. Tussellino, G. Mettivier, P. Russo


Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications


In-line phase-contrast breast tomosynthesis: A phantom feasibility study at a synchrotron radiation facility

 K. Bliznakova, P. Russo, Z. Kamarianakis, G. Mettivier, H. Requardt, A. Bravin, I. Buliev


Physics in Medicine and Biology


Imaging performance of phase-contrast breast computed tomography with synchrotron radiation and a CdTe photon-counting detector


A. Sarno, G. Mettivier, B. Golosio, P. Oliva, G. Spandre, F. Di Lillo, C. Fedon, R. Longo, P. Russo


Physica Medica


Erratum: Glandular dose in breast computed tomography with synchrotron radiation (Physics in Medicine and Biology (2016) 61 (2970-2971))


G. Mettivier, C. Fedon, F. Di Lillo, R. Longo, A. Sarno, G. Tromba, P. Russo

Physics in Medicine and Biology 2016

Combined SPECT/CT and PET/CT for breast imaging

P. Russo, M. Larobina, F. Di Lillo, S. Del Vecchio, G. Mettivier


Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment


Towards breast tomography with synchrotron radiation at Elettra: first images

R. Longo, F. Arfelli, R. Bellazzini, U. Bottogli, A. Brez, F. Brun, A. Brunetti, P. Delogu, F. Di Lillo, D. Dreossi, V. Fanti, C Fedon, B. Golosio, N. Lanconelli, G. Mettivier, M. Minuti, P. Oliva, M. Pinchera, L. Rigon, P. Russo, A. Sarno, G. Spandre, G. Tromba and F. Zanconati

Physics in Medicine and Biology


Energy dependent calibration of XR-QA2 radiochromic film with monochromatic and polychromatic x-ray beams

F. Di Lillo, G. Mettivier, A. Sarno, G. Tromba, N. Tomic, S. Devic and P. Russo

Medical Physics


Glandular dose in breast computed tomography with synchrotron radiation

G. Mettivier, C. Fedon, F. Di Lillo, R. Longo, A. Sarno, G. Tromba and P. Russo

Physics in Medicine and Biology


A software platform for phase contrast x-ray breast imaging research

 K. Bliznakova, P. Russo, G. Mettivier, H. Requardt, P. Popov, A. Bravin and I. Buliev

 Computer in Biology and Medicine


GEANT4 for breast dosimetry: parameters optimization study

C. Fedon, F. Longo, G. Mettivier and R. Longo  

 Physics in Medicine and Biology


Energy response of GR-200A thermoluminescence dosemeters to 60Co and to monoenergetic synchrotron radiation in the energy range 28-40 keV

 F. Emiro, F. Di Lillo, G. Mettivier, C. Fedon, R. Longo, G. Tromba and P. Russo

Radiation Protection Dosimetry 


Dedicated breast computed tomography: Basics aspects

A. Sarno, G. Mettivier and P. Russo

Medical Physics


Use of XR-QA2 radiochromic films for quantitative imaging of a synchrotron radiation beam

F. Di Lillo, D. Dreossi, F. Emiro, C. Fedon, R. Longo, G. Mettivier, L. Rigon, P. Russo and G. Tromba

Journal of Instrumentation


Energy response of GR-200A thermoluminescence dosemeters to 60 Co and to monoenergetic synchrotron radiation in the energy range 28-40 keV

F. Emiro, F. Di Lillo, G. Mettivier, C. Fedon, R. Longo, G. Tromba, P. Russo

Radiation Protection Dosimetry 


Investigation of the dose distribution for a cone beam CT system dedicated to brest imaging

N. Lanconelli, G. Mettivier, S. Lo Meo and P. Russo

Physica Medica


Cone-beam breast computed tomography with a displaced flat panel detector array

G. Mettivier, P. Russo, N. Lanconelli and S. Lo Meo

Medical Physics


Scatter correction in cone-beam breast computed tomography: Simulation and experiments

G. Mettivier, N. lanconelli, S. Lo Meo and P. Russo

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science


Signal-to-noise gain at variable randoms ratio in TOF PET

G. Mettivier, V. Tabacchini, M.Conti and P. Russo

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science


Dedicated scanner for laboratory investigation on cone-beam CT/SPECT imaging of the breast

G. Mettivier, P. Russo, M. Cesarelli, R. Ospizio, G. Passeggio, L. Roscilli, G. Pontoriere, R. Rocco

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A


Measurement of the MTF of a Cone-beam breast computed tomography laboratory scanner

G. Mettivier and P. Russo

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science


Evaluation of a CdTe semiconductor based compact gamma camera for sentinel lynph node imaging

P. Russo, A.S. Curion, G. Mettivier, M. Esposito, M. Aurilio, C. Caracò, L. Aloj and S. Lastoria

Medical Physics


14C autoradiography with an energy-sensitive silicon pixel detector

M. Esposito, G. Mettivier and P. Russo

Physics in Medicine and Biology


Energy sensitive Timepix silicon detector for electron imaging

M. Esposito, J. Jakubek, G. Mettivier, S. Pospisil, P. Russo and J. Solc

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A


Method for measuring the focal spot size of an x-ray tube using a coded aperture mask and a digital detector

P. Russo and G. Mettivier

Medical Physics


Conference Proceeding


Title Authors Journal Year

Performance of the MediPROBE compact gamma camera for coded aperture imaging 


F. Di Lillo, V. Corvino, G. Mettivier, A. Sarno, P. Russo 


IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop, NSS/MIC/RTSD, 2016


Volume dose distribution in digital breast tomosynthesis: A phantom study


M. Masi, F. Di Lillo, A. Sarno, G. Mettivier, R. Castriconi, P. Russo


IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop, NSS/MIC/RTSD, 2016 


In-line phase contrast tomography of the breast with a dedicated micro-ct scanner


G. Mettivier, K. Bliznakova, A. Sarno, F.D. Lillo, R. Castriconi, P. Russo

IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop, NSS/MIC/RTSD, 2016


A framework for iterative reconstruction in phase-contrast computed tomography dedicated to the breast


A. Sarno, B. Golosio, P. Russo, F. Arfelli, R. Bellazzini, A. Brez, F. Brun, P. Delogu, F. Di Lillo, D. Dreossi, C. Fedon, R. Longo, G. Mettivier, P. Oliva, L. Rigon, G. Spandre, G. Tromba


IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop, NSS/MIC/RTSD, 2016 

The effect of count statistics on the convergence value in OSEM reconstruction in PET and TOF PET G. Mettivier, R. Salvati, M. Conti and P. Russo IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 2012
Improvement in signal-to-noise ratio at variable random fraction in TOF PET  V. Tabacchini, G. Mettivier, M. Conti, P. Russo IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record  2010 



Title Authors Conference Year
Development of a software tool for analysis of x-ray images: a case study in breast imaging S. Marinov, I. Buliev, L. Cockmartin, H. Bosmans, Z. Bliznakov, G. Mettivier, P. Russo, K. Bliznakova World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering 3-8 June 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. 2018
 Evaluation of 3D printing materials for breast phantoms for phase contrast imaging  G. Esposito, G. Mettivier, K. Blisnakova, P. Russo, F. Di Lillo, A. Sarno, A. Bravin, I. Buliev, P. Ppopov, D. Ivanov  

X National Meeting Associazione Italiana di Fisa Medica, 12-15 April 2018, Bari, Italy.

Dose monitoring in synchrotron radiation breast computed tomography with radiochromic films  M. Masi, F. Di Lillo, G. Mettivier, A. Sarno, F. Arfelli, L. Brombal, S. Donato, C. Fedon, L. Rigon, P. Russo  X National Meeting Associazione Italiana di Fisa Medica, 12-15 April 2018, Bari, Italy.  2018
Radioterapia rotazionale del cancro al seno al kilovoltaggio con luce di sincrotrone: studio dosimetrico su fantoccio a 100 keV e 6 MeV  M. Masi, G. Mettivier, P. Russo, F. Di Lillo, A. Sarno, R. Calandrino, M. Cattaneo, F. Fiorino, L. Perna, R. Castriconi  X National Meeting Associazione Italiana di Fisa Medica, 12-15 April 2018, Bari, Italy. 2018 
Normalized glandular dose coefficients in mammography, digital breast tomosynthesis and breast CT A. Sarno, G. Mettivier, F. Di Lillo, P. Russo  X National Meeting Associazione Italiana di Fisa Medica, 12-15 April 2018, Bari, Italy. 2018
Dose intercomparison at European hadrotherapy centers  F. Guida, A. Barbato, F. Di Lillo, G. Mettivier, M. Ciocca, E. Mastella, M. Liotta, P. Tarabelli De Fatis, M. Schwarts, S. Lorenzini, P. Cirrone, G. Petrigna, P. Russo X National Meeting Associazione Italiana di Fisa Medica, 12-15 April 2018, Bari, Italy.  201 8
Synchrotron radiation microbeam rotational radiotherapy pf breast cancer: a Monte Carlo study  V. Pirozzi Palmese, A. Sarno, F. Di Lillo, G. Mettivier, P. Russo X National Meeting Associazione Italiana di Fisa Medica, 12-15 April 2018, Bari, Italy  2018
Orthovoltage rotational breast radiotherapy: a Monte Carlo and experimental study F. Buonanno, D. Di Lillo, A. Sarno, G. Mettivier, P. Russo X National Meeting Associazione Italiana di Fisa Medica, 12-15 April 2018, Bari, Italy 2018
Development of a software tool for analysis of X-ray images: A case study in breast imaging S. Marinov, I. Buliev, L. Cockmartin, H. Bosmans, Z. Bliznakov, G. Mettivier, P. Russo, K. Blisnakova World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Enginering, 3-8 Giugno 2018, Prague, Czech Republic 2018
New dosimetric mode for XRMC: comparison of macroscopic quantity for reliability evaluation G. Hoff, B. Golosio, V. Fanti, A. Brunetti, P. Oliva, G. Mettivier, E. Pilloni World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Enginering, 3-8 Giugno 2018, Prague, Czech Republic 2018
Toward 4D micro-CT and radiotherapy of small animals using all-optical, ultrashort X-ray sources: feasibility stusy and preliminary experimental results F. Baffigi, L. Fulgentini, L.A.Gizzi, P. Koester, L. Labate, D. Palla, D. Panetta, P.A. Salvadori, L. Pandola, P. Pisciotta, G. Russo, G. Mettivier, P. Russo European Congress of Medical Physics, 25-28 August 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Breast cancer radiosurgery with a synchrotron radiation beam G. Mettivier, A. Sarno, F. Di Lilo, M. Masi, P. Russo, R. Calandrino, Cattaneo, Fiorino, R. Castriconi, B. Golosio, A. Brunetti, V. Fanti, G. Hoff, G. Nicolini, C. Ceresa, G.A. Cavaletti European Congress of Medical Physics, 25-28 August 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
3D dose distribution in two clinical digital breast tomosynthesis units: a phantom study G. Mettivier, A. Sarno, F. Di Lillo, H. Bosmans, L. Cockmartin, K. Bliznakova, P. Russo European Congress of Medical Physics, 25-28 August 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Kilovoltage rotational radiotherapy with the Marix/BriXS source for partial breast irradiation G. Mettivier, I Debrot, A. Bacci, V. Petrillo, M. Rosetti, A. Rossi, L. Serafini, R. Calandrino, C. Fiorino, G.M. Cattaneo, A. Sarno, F. Di Lillo, M. Masi, R. Castriconi, P. Russo European Congress of Medical Physics, 25-28 August 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Computed-based platform for phase contrast breast imaging K. Bliznakova, G. Mettivier, I. Buliev, P. Russo, Z. Bliznakov European Congress of Medical Physics, 25-28 August 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Development of breast tumor models databse  K. Bliznakova, I. Buliev, G. Mettivier, P. Russo, H. Bosmann European Congress of Medical Physics, 25-28 August 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark 2018 
Measurements of the linear attenuation coefficients of breast tissues by synchrotron radiation computed tomography L. Brombal, S. Donato, F. Arfelli, D. Bonazza, A. Contillo, P. Delogu, B. Golosio, G. Mettivier, P. Oliva, L. Rigon, A. Taibi, G. Tromba, F. Zanconati, R. Longo European Congress of Medical Physics, 25-28 August 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Image quality and radiation dose in propagation-based phase contrast mammography: a phantom study G. Mettivier and P. Russo  20th International Conference of Medical Physics (1-4 September) Brighton, United Kingdom 2013 




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