International Workshop on Breast Imaging 21-26 May 2022
During the 14th International Workshop on Breast Imaging, a very important conference with the major experts in this research filed, also the Medical Physics gruop of Physics Depertment of the Federico II University was present with 4 oral comunications.
Antonio Sarno - Empirical detector model for simulated breast exams with dedicated breast CT scanner.
Antonio Sarno - Noise and spatial resolution characteristics of a clinical Computed Tomography scanner dedicated to the breast.
Giovanni Mettivier - DeepLook: a dedicated deep learning Computed Diagnosis Suppor t to Breast Tomosynthesis imaging. Presentation and first results.
Kristina Blisnakova - PHENOMENO – A HORIZON2020 project for increasing the research and innovation capacity of EU universities in the field of breast cancer modelling.
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