International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA2017)

15-18 October 2017, Napoli, Italy

(You can download the pdf files with the slide of the talks by clicking on the title)

Monday 16 October 2017 - Aula Magna

08.30 - Alberto Del Guerra (University of Pisa & INFN, Italy) - The dawn of PET Monte Carlo: a personal experience

09.00 - Willi A. Kalender (University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany) - Monte Carlo methods for diagnostic radiology

I. Session: Update on MC code/physics

9.15 - Frédéric Tessier (NRCC, Ottawa, Canada) - EGSnrc update: new features and legacy code upgrade

9.45 - Ernesto Mainegra-Hing (NRCC, Ottawa, Canada) - Consistency of the atomic relaxation algorithm and new photo-electric

10.00 - Reid Townson (NRCC, Ottawa, Canada) - Radionuclide decay scheme modelling in EGSnrc

10.15 - David Rogers (Carleton University, Canada) - Improved kerma calculations with EGSnrc

II. Session: Update on MC code/physics

11.30 - Pablo Cirrone (INFN-LNS,Italy) - Rewiev of Geant4 application in radiation therapy

12.00 - Susanna Guatelli (University of Wollongong, Australia) - Validation of Geant4 Fragmentation for Heavy Ion Therapy

12.30 - Pedro Arce (CIEMAT, Spain) - Status and latest developments of GAMOS/GEANT4 framework

12.45 - Xiaoya Wang (McGill University, Canada) - Assessment of RBED electron-impact ionization cross sections for Monte Carlo electron transport

13.00 - Rowan Thomson (Carleton University, Canada) - Quantum versus classical Monte Carlo simulation of low energy electron transport in condensed media

III. Session: Update on MC code/physics

14.15 - Francesc Salvat (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) - Modeling of inelastic collisions of charged particles in condensed matter

14.45 - Gianfranco Paternò (University of Ferrara, Italy) - Geant4 implementation of inter-atomic interference effect in Small-Angle Coherent X-ray Scattering for materials of medical interest

15.00 - Salvador García-Pereja (Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga, Spain) - Ant colony algorithm for driving variance reduction techniques in Monte Carlo simulations

15.15 - Felix Horst (THM University of Applied Sciences & GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Germany) - Novel data relevant for helium ion therapy and their comparison with FLUKA nuclear reaction models

IV. Session: MC in brachytherapy

16.30 - Luc Beaulieu (Université Laval, Québec, Canada) - Monte Carlo dose calculations in brachytherapy

17.00 - Rowan Thomson (Carleton University, Canada) - Brachytherapy source and applicator models for diverse Monte Carlo simulations with egs_brachy

17.30 - Gabriel Famulari (McGill University, Canada) - Consequences of patient heterogeneities for intermediate-energy sources in post-implant assessment of prostate brachytherapy treatment plans

17.45 - Konstantinos A. Mountris (LaTIM INSERM, France) - ORACLE: A DVH-based inverse planning system for LDR prostate brachytherapy using MC dosimetry

18.00 - Marc-André Renaud (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) - MC dose calculation and treatment planning for intensity modulated brachytherapy

Monday 16 October 2017 - Aula A

III. Session: Parallel MC implementations

14.15 - Angelo Schiavi (University of Rome, Italy) - Fred: A new GPU-based fast-MC code and its application in proton beam therapy

14.30 - Daniel Maneval (Universitè Laval, Canada) - Efficiency improvement in proton dose calculations with an equivalent restricted stopping power formalism

14.45 - Julien Bert (LaTIM-INSERM, France) - Improved Woodcock tracking on Monte Carlo simulations for medical applications

15.00 - Xun Jia (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA) - Recent updates in GPU-based Monte Carlo simulation for radiation therapyIV. 

IV. Session: Parallel MC implementations

16.30 - Silvia Muraro (INFN Pisa, Italy) - MC codes and Range Monitoring in Particle Therapy: the case of secondary charged particles

16.45 - Brad Oborn (Illawarra Cancer Care Centre, Australia) - Monte Carlo modelling and experimental verification of a high resolution silicon diode array performance in proton beams and magnetic fields

17.00 - Francesco Fracchiolla (APSS Trento, Italy) - Application of a Monte Carlo algorithm in dosimetric verification of pencil beam scanning proton therapy treatments

17.15 - Pietro Pisciotta (University of Catania, Italy) - Monte Carlo dosimetric study for preclinical small animal hadrontherapy using Geant4 toolkit

17.30 - Carla Winterhalter (PSI, Switzerland) - Comparison of two Monte Carlo calculation engines for proton pencil beam scanning

18.00 - Andrea Mairani (Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica, Italy) - Monte Carlo-based RBE investigations in hadrontherapy

Tuesday 17 October 2017 - Aula Magna

I. Session: MC applications in imaging and nuclear medicine

8.30 - Joao Seco (German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) & University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany) - Monte Carlo study of Helium CT (HeCT) imaging

9.00 - George Dedes (LMU Munich, Germany) - Fluence modulated proton computed tomography

9.15 - Natalia Roberts (University of Wollongong, Australia) - Modelling of a novel x-ray source for MR-guided radiotherapy

9.30 - Elisa Fiorina (University of Torino, Italy) -Monte Carlo simulation tool for online treatment monitoring in hadrontherapy with in-beam PET

9.45 - Antonio Sarno (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) - Breast Model Validation for Monte Carlo Evaluation of Normalized Glandular Dose Coefficients in Mammography

II. Session: MC models for radiation sources and beams

11.00 - Jan Seuntjens (McGill University, Canada) - A Monte Carlo perspective on small beam radiation therapy

11.30 - Charlie Ma (Fox Chase Cencer Center, USA) - Investigation of Conformal Arc therapy utilizing Cobalt 60 beams

11.45 - Caterina Cuccagna (TERA Foundation/University of Geneva, Switzerland) - Beam characterization for the TULIP accelerator for protontherapy through Full Monte Carlo simulations

12.00 - Pietro Pisciotta (University of Catania, Italy) - Characterization of an X-ray source based on laser-target interaction using the Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit

12.15 - Timo Ikonen (Varian Medical Sysems) - Monte Carlo modeling of Varian TrueBeam photon beams with Geant4-based VirtuaLinac and comparison to experiments

12.30 - Giuliana Milluzzo (LNS-INFN, Italy) - Geant4-based Monte Carlo simulations of a transport beam line for multidisciplinary applications of laser-driven proton beams

12.45 - Tony Price (University of Birmingham, UK) - Code sharing of MC beam models for advanced radiotherapy

III. Session: MC in radiobiology

14.15 - Carmen Villagrasa (Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire, France) - Simulation of early radio-induced DNA damages using Geant4-DNA

14.45 - Konstantinos Chatzipapas (University of Patras, Greece) - Validating Geant4-DNA for Double Strand Brakes (DSB): A preliminary study

15.00 - Francesca Ballarini (University of Pavia & INFN Pavia, Italy) - The BIANCA biophysical model/MC code: calculations of radiation-induced cell damage in view of hadrontherapy treatments

15.15 - Stewart Mein (DKFZ, Germany) - Monte Carlo calculation of RBE and in-vitro validation for helium

IV. Session: MC for treatment planning and evaluation

16.30 - Tony Popescu (University of British Columbia, Canada) - Modern clinical applications of Monte Carlo simulations for in-vivo patient-specific QA

17.00 - Joanna Cygler (The Ottawa Hospital, Canada) - Experimental verification of 4D Monte Carlo calculations of dose delivered to a deforming anatomy

17.15 - Hiroaki Kumada (University of Tsukuba, Japan) - Verification of dose estimation for Monte-Carlo based treatment planning system for boron neutron capture therapy

17.30 - Fredrik Tamm (RaySearch Laboratories AB, Sweden) - Proton MC in Raystation

17.45 - Alessia Embiaco (University of Pavia, Italy) - FLUKA validation of MONET code for dose calculation in Hadrontherapy

18.00 - David Rogers (Carleton University, Canada) - Fun with Monte Carlo: or how I keep learning radiation physics

Tuesday 17 October 2017 - Aula A

I. Session: MC applications in IGRT and dosimetry

8.45 - Roumiana Chakarova (Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden) - An automated Monte Carlo QA system for volumetric modulated arc therapy: possibilities and challenges

9.00 - Simon Kirchhof (DKFZ, Germany) - Monte-Carlo based CT Simulation of Virtual Patient Geometries

9.15 - Salvatore Berenato (Cardiff University, UK) - Advanced personalised 3D dosimetry based on Monte Carlo simulation for Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy

9.30 - Bas Raaymakers (University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands) - The promise of the MRI linac: simultaneous MRI and irradiation

II. Session: MC applications in micro-dosimetry

11.15 - Gabriel Famulari (McGill University, Canada) - Microdosimetry calculations for monoenergetic electrons using Geant4-DNA combined with a weighted track sampling algorithm

11.30 - Martin Martinov (Carleton University, Canada) - Heterogeneous multiscale simulations of radiation therapy with gold nanoparticles

11.45 - Yunzhi Ma (CHU de Quèbec & Universitè Laval, Canada) - OpenDNA: An OpenCL-based GPU Monte Carlo simulation code for Microdosimetry

12.00 - Nicole Ackerman (Agnes Scott College, USA) - Geant4 Modeling of Targeted Radionuclide Therapy for Brain Metastasis

12.30 - Floriane Poignant (IPNL, France) - Biophysical modelisation of gold nanoparticles radiosensitizing effects

III. Session: MC applications in IGRT and dosimetry

14.00 - David Shipley (National Physical Laboratory, UK) - Monte Carlo calculated correction factors for a proton calorimeter in clinical proton beams

14.15 - Gregory Delpon (ICO, Centre René Gauduc Heau, France) - Monte Carlo calculation of absorbed doses due to imaging sessions delivered to patients during Tomotherapy Image-Guided RadioTherapy Courses

14.30 - Victor Malkov (Carleton University, Canada) - Impact of the true sensitive volume on ion chamber response in magnetic fields

14.45 - Elisa Jiménez-Ortega (University of Seville & IBIS, Spain) - A robust Monte Carlo Treatment Planning optimization algorithm for dose painting clinical implementation

15.00 - Hugo Palmans (National Physical Laboratory, UK) - Monte Carlo simulations on improved reference dosimetry

IV. Session: MC applications in imaging and nuclear medicine

16.30 - Guillaume Landry (LMU Munich, Germany) - Investigating the physics of a CBCT projection shading correction based on a prior CT

16.45 - Janne Vignero (KULeuven, Belgium) - Contribution of coherent and incoherent scatter in grating-based phase-contrast imaging

17.00 - Stefan Tessarini (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) - Monte Carlo simulations of x-ray grating interferometry based imaging systems

17.15 - Diyun Shu (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China) - Evaluation of the clinical translation of an optimized Compton Camera during Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for melanoma patients

17.30 - Younes Jourani (Centre Oscar Lambret Lille, France) - Clinical implementation of a Monte Carlo based QA platform for validation of Tomotherapy and Cyberknife treatment plans

Wednesday 18 October 2017 - Aula Magna

I. Session: MC applications in IGRT and dosimetry

8.30 - Frank Verhaegen (Maastro Clinic, Maastricht, the Netherlands) - The use of imaging information in Monte Carlo simulations

9.00 - Caterina Cuccagna (TERA Foundation/ University of Geneva, Switzerland) - Advances in the FLUKA PET tools

9.30 - John Dooley (Accuray Incorporated, USA) - Monte Carlo for CyberKnife Radiosurgery with the InCise Multileaf Collimator

9.45 - Maxime Chauvin (Centre de Recherches en Cancérologie de Toulouse, France) - OpenDose: a Collaborative Effort to Produce Reference Dosimetric Data with Monte Carlo Simulation Software

10.00 - Susanna Guatelli (University of Wollongong, Australia) - Simulation of Synchrotron-based Microbeam Radiation Therapy using Geant4

II. Session: MC applications in IGRT and dosimetry

11.15 - Giuseppe Battistoni (University of Milan, Italy) - The application of the FLUKA Monte Carlo code in medical physics

11.45 - Alessandra Tomal (Univeridade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil) - Skin Model and its impact on Mean Glandular Dose in Digital Mammography

12.15 - Michela Esposito (University of Lincoln, UK) - Monte Carlo simulations for imaging in proton therapy

12.45 - Antonio Sarno (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) - Monte Carlo Evaluation of Glandular Dose Estimates in X-ray Breast Computed Tomography

13.00 - Arthur Lalonde (Universite de Montreal, Canada) - Accurate extraction of tissues parameters for Monte Carlo simulations using multi-energy CT


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